A spellbinding, deeply emotional account of my plight to overcome disappointment and accomplish that particular success sought after. Ed Louis Cook was born July 1942 in Pine Bluff Arkansas. He is the second of eight children born to Essie & Charley Cook. He had a fascination with law enforcement long before entering public school. It is believed this interest in law enforcement was caused by a very large picture of his great uncle Dennis Wilson who was a Chicago Policeman. Ed attended a segregated public school. During his school years he became interested in music and became very good with the woodwind instruments, especially the clarinet. Upon graduation from Merrill High School, he received a four year music scholarship to attend A. M. & N. College. Ed attended for one year only, due to marriage at age of eighteen. Getting married at an early age and moving to Chicago was the start of an entirely new way of life. Four years later was the move to Los Angeles and that is the real true beginning of the great story you are about to receive. While living in Los Angeles and attending Los Angeles City College and California State University at Los Angeles, He entered the field of Law enforcement and subsequently became the first black officer to work LAPD SWAT.