Turgay Ertekin is the Quentin E. and Louise L. Wood Fellow, Professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, and Associate Head of the Dept. of Energy and Geo-Environmental Engineering at The Pennsylvania State U., where he has been a faculty member since 1978. He holds BS and MS degrees in petroleum engineering from the Middle East Technical U. in Ankara, Turkey, and a PhD degree in petroleum and natural gas engineering from The Pennsylvania State U. Ertekin has served on several SPE committees and was Executive Editor of SPE Formation Evaluation from 1992 to 1994. He received the Matthew J. and Anne C. Wilson Outstanding Teaching and Outstanding Service awards from The Pennsylvania State U. College of Earth and Mineral Sciences in 1982 and 1999, respectively. Ertekin is the recipient of the 1995 Pennsylvania State U. Graduate Faculty Teaching Award and the 1998 SPE Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award. He has authored or coauthored three books and numerous technical papers. His main research interest is in the area of mathematical modeling of fluid-flow dynamics in porous media.