Phoebe Walker is the pen name of co-authors and longtime best friends Jennifer "Jay" Bull and Mary Morris. Jay lives with her husband and her cats in rural Illinois, where she works as a writer and a professional psychic. She began making up stories and characters in her mind at a very young age and always loved sharing them with others, so writing became a natural creative outlet. Jay collects tarot decks and cats, but her spouse has put a limit on cat collecting, so she only has the care of three tiny terror beasts. Mary grew up reading romance novels and SFF epics on a farm in southeastern Illinois. After earning an MFA in fiction, she has worked as a proofreader, copyeditor, reporter, English professor; today, she is a freelance writer and editor who has published short fiction and nonfiction in various lit mags. She lives near her childhood home with her husband, her children, and miscellaneous cats. Between family, friends, writing, reading, and watching TV, she can't remember the last time she was bored. (Probably the '90s.)