11 books • 3 series
You Cant Hide from a Lie
Disgust (Max Mindpower Junior, #6)
Happiness (Max Mindpower Senior, #4) (Max Mindpower Junior, #4)
Anticipation (Max Mindpower Senior, #7) (Max Mindpower Junior, #8)
Trust (Max Mindpower Junior, #5)
Fear (Max Mindpower Senior, #2) (Max Mindpower Junior, #1)
Book of Awareness (Max Mindpower, #2)
Anger (Max Mindpower Senior, #1) (Max Mindpower Junior, #2)
Max's Little Book of Meditations (Max Mindpower, #3)
Sadness (Max Mindpower, #3) (Max Mindpower Junior, #3)
Surprise (Max Mindpower Junior, #7)