Cara Delay, a historian with degrees from Boston College and Brandeis University, is a professor of history at the College of Charleston. She is also a faculty member on the Women's Health Research Team. Her research focuses on women's reproductive health, including the history of motherhood and childbirth. Her books include Irish Women and the Creation of Modern Catholicism, 1850-1950 and Women, Reform, and Resistance in Ireland, 1850-1950. She has written articles for Journal of Women's History, Women's History Review, Journal of Family History, Journal of British Studies, Lilith: A Feminist History Journal, ire-Ireland, and Feminist Studies. She serves on the executive committee of the Women's History Association of Ireland (WHAI). Delay also is a regular writer for Nursing Clio, a website that interrogates the links between the past and the present, with a focus on women's reproductive history.