Born in Baltimore, Maryland, Estrell Young III sauntered into this world but shortly after his birth; the lack of his father's presence rendered him a product of divorce parenting. As a precocious child, growing up troubled by an adolescent existence and acceptance; Sir Young, a coy and self-proclaimed class clown by nature, struggled with labels of being the "fat kid" as childhood obesity plagued his early years-lowering his self-esteem and self-image in the process. By the age of fourteen, Estrell was tethering between who he was in the grand scheme of life and who he strived to become as a person. Kicked out of middle school and forced to enroll in an alternative school for unruly children-these were the dark years of his tender youth. His entanglements with death and travels on the wrong side of the law, complied with his strong aversion towards over bearing authority figures and the unstable and often times a tumultuous home life. Needless to say, Young's life created a virtual breeding ground for his stresses and struggles. Having no where to turn, writing and baseball became his solitary outlets from these tribulations. These fleeting times of joy would be short lived after the death of his famed and beloved coach. Dishearten and overcome by grief, he abandoned both, sinking farther into the depths of solidarity and ultimately his own despair. These were the years of his dormancy. Estrell Young III rose from the ashes and hardships that decimated his childhood like a phoenix; utilizing those years to gain self introspective over all that had happen throughout his life-although short-thus far. Reinventing him self, so to speak, Young dusted off the person that lay buried beneath all the weight the world had placed upon him, at such a young age. With his strong affinity towards the arts, it was only fitting that his mental release would be, once again, achieved through the pages of his notebooks. Pent up resentment, anger, and aggression found their release on those pages-inked between the lines of his troubled past. When he started college in the fall of '04, his mental frustrations found therapy on the wing of an uncommon place-Soulstar- a place of refugee that welcomed his experiences, daily strife, and struggles which he fought daily to forget-giving him a place to channel and hone in on his talents. It was here that his passion for making poetry ascended again and flourished. Clinging tightly to his poetry, he spent every waking moment shaping his techniques into what it is today. In 2005, his dream of repaying the place that gave him back his voice and solace with gratitude and admiration became a reality; when he became the president of the beloved club that allowed him to be free, simple just that: FREE. Today, Estrell has since left the nest that is Soulstar and started his own "Free Expression" organization by the name of Free Verse. He wishes to create something that is bigger than any individual and that will outlast the test of time. By Perpetua M. Nyambison