Otis H. Stephens, Jr. is Alumni Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science and Resident Scholar of Constitutional Law at the University of Tennessee College of Law. Professor Stephens holds a Ph.D. in political science from Johns Hopkins University and a J.D. from the University of Tennessee. Professor Stephens is the author of THE SUPREME COURT AND CONFESSIONS OF GUILT(1973) and co-author, with Gregory J. Rathjen, of THE SUPREME COURT AND THEALLOCATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL POWER (1980) and, with John M. Scheb II, of AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: ESSAYS AND CASES (1988). He is co-author with Richard A. Glenn of UNREASONABLE SEARCHES AND SEIZURES: RIGHTS ANDLIBERTIES UNDER THE LAW (2006). He is co-editor with John M. Scheb II and Kara A. Stookesbury of ENCYLCOPEDIA OF AMERICAN CIVIL RIGHTS AND LIBERTIESVOLUMES I-III (2006). He has contributed chapters to COMPARATIVE HUMANRIGHTS, ed. Richard A. Claude (1976) and THE REAGAN ADMINISTRATION ANDHUMAN RIGHTS, ed. Tinsely E. Yarborugh (1985) and AMERICAN NATIONALSECURITY AND CIVIL LIBERTIES IN AN ERA OF TERRORISM, eds. David B. Cohen and John W. Wells (2004) and to LAW TOUCHED OUR HEARTS: A GENERATIONREMEMBERS BROWN V. BOARD OF EDUCATION, eds. Mildred Wigfall Robinson and Richard J. Bonnie (2009). He has also authored or co-authored a number of articles in professional journals, including the GEORGETOWN LAW JOURNAL, the JOURNALOF PUBLIC LAW, the TENNESSEE LAW REVIEW, the WIDNER JOURNAL OF PUBLICLAW, the SOUTHEASTERN POLITICAL REVIEW, and the CRIMINAL LAW BULLETIN. Dr. Stephens is also a member of the Tennessee Bar and of the United States Supreme Court Bar. Professor Stephens now teaches full time for the UT College of Law. PUBLIC LAW, the TENNESSEE LAW REVIEW, the WIDNER JOURNAL OFPUBLIC LAW, the SOUTHEASTERN POLITICAL REVIEW, and the CRIMINAL LAWBULLETIN. Dr. Stephens is also a member of the Tennessee Bar. Professor Stephens now teaches full time for the UT College of Law.