DIANNE BONDY is a celebrated yoga teacher, social justice activist, and leading voice of the Yoga for All movement. Her inclusive view of yoga asana and philosophy inspires and empowers thousands of followers around the world--regardless of their shape, size, ethnicity, or level of ability. She applies over 1,000 hours of training to help her students find freedom, self-expression, and radical self-love in their yoga practice. Dianne is a frequent contributor to Yoga InternationalDo You Yoga, Yoga Girl, and Omstars. She has been featured in publications such as The Guardian, Huffington Post, Cosmopolitan, and People. Dianne is the author of the book Yoga for Everyone: 50 Poses for Every Type of Body.

KAT HEAGBERG is editor-in-chief of Yoga International and has been teaching yoga regularly since 2005. She offers a variety of online classes and workshops on yogainternational.com. Kat is also a host of the Yoga Talk podcast and co-editor of the book Embodied Resilience through Yoga: 30 Mindful Essays About Finding Empowerment after Addition, Trauma, Grief, and Loss.