Mr. Schnoor grew up on the Great Plains of western Iowa and Nebraska, attending the state university of the latter. Graduating and armed with a computer science B.S. degree, Schnoor worked in industry for nearly thirty years. Due to acquiring Parkinson's Disease (diagnosed at the age of 38) retired about ten years after the diagnosis. Mr. Schnoor then took up his real love, writing. Mr. Schnoor joined a couple of writing groups, and he soon noticed that many other people in these groups were struggling with various parts of grammmar that came naturally to him. As an exercise, he put together a humorous story that teaches how to use the verbs lie and lay. The story was wildly successful (within those groups) and instantly people gave him requests for other problem areas. The stories were written quickly, and in short order the first book (I Laid an Egg) was written. Then came the second book, and then the worksheets. The rest is history.Joel grew up in a family of story tellers. His list of relatives included a great grandfather who told story after story about living on the plains of Nebraska in the 1870s. Many of his great-grandfather's letters and notes have been passed on to him, and he has re-spun them to make them more accessible for today's young audience.What's next? He doesn't know the answer but is actively seeking! Any ideas?.