Gaja Krishna Vaidyanatha is currently the Director of Storage Management Products at Quest Software, Inc., providing technical and strategic direction for the storage management product line. He has more than ten years of technical expertise, with over nine years of industry experience working with Oracle systems. Prior to joining Quest, Gaja worked as a Technical Manager at Andersen Consulting, where he specialized in Oracle Systems Performance Management and lead the Oracle Performance Management SWAT Team within the Technology Product Services Group. In a prior life, Gaja was also a Consultant and Instructor at Oracle Corporation specializing in the core technologies of Oracle. His key areas of interests include performance architectures, scalable storage solutions, highly available systems, and system performance management for data warehouses and transactional systems. He holds a Masters Degree in Computer Science from Bowling Green State University, Ohio. He has presented many papers at various regional, national and international Oracle conferences and is currently in the faculty of the IOUG-A Master Class University. He is also a contributor to the Oracle-L listserver and can be reached at