52 books • 4 series
Alma (Around the World by Magic Spells for Teachers LLC)
Piet (Around the World by Magic Spells for Teachers LLC)
Los Diez Mandamientos Para Niños (Around the World by Magic Spells for Teachers LLC)
Leonardo (Around the World by Magic Spells for Teachers LLC)
Georgia (Around the World by Magic Spells for Teachers LLC)
Diego (Around the World by Magic Spells for Teachers LLC)
Beatrix Potter (Meet the Artist by Magic Spells for Teachers LLC)
Ten Commandments For Kids
Saint Patrick (Around the World by Magic Spells for Teachers LLC)
William-Adolphe Bouguereau (Meet the Artist by Magic Spells for Teachers LLC)
Henri (Around the World by Magic Spells for Teachers LLC)
Celebrate Las Posadas - Celebramos Las Posadas (Around the World by Magic Spells for Teachers)
Three Kings Day - Día de Reyes Mago (Around the World by Magic Spells for Teachers)
All About the Olympic Games
Celebrate Cinco de Mayo - Celebramos Cinco de Mayo
Day of the Dead - Día de Los Muertos
Famous Artists Biography and Coloring Book
Edvard Munch
Diego Velazquez
Salvador Dalí
Superheroes Coloring Book