David Ben Moshe, lives in Jerusalem with his wife, Ariel Lester Ben Moshe, founder and director of Tal Torah, a Torah learning center for women. Ben Moshe was born David Morrison in Knoxville, Tennessee, in 1941. In 1962, he earned his B.A. in history and then entered the University of Tennessee Medical School, receiving his M.D. in 1965. He served in Vietnam as a Battalion Surgeon, where he was awarded the Bronze Star for Valor. In 1969, Morrison returned to school and completed his residency in Psychiatry in 1972. He moved to Israel in 1992 with his late wife, Jo Ann Hess Morrison. He is also the author of Heroes, Antiheroes and the Holocaust: American Jewry and Historical Choice, Lies: Israel's Secret Service and the Rabin Murder, and The Gush: Center of Modern Religious Zionism.