Davide Viaggi has a degree in Agricultural Sciences and a PhD in Agricultural Economics and Policy. He is now Associate Professor in Agricultural Economics at the University of Bologna. His research focuses primarily on: i) Agricultural policy evaluation; ii) public goods and agri-environmental policy; iii) Economics of the bioeconomy; iv) Innovation in agriculture and food; v) Farm investment behaviour; vi) Irrigated agriculture, water resource evaluation and management; vii) Environmental impact assessment and resource economics. He has received project funding from the European Commission (22 projects altogether in fp5, fp6, fp7 and H2020), the Italian Ministry of University and a number of private organisations. Davide has coordinated two research projects in fp7 (CAP-IRE and CLAIM) and one in H2020, SC2 (PROVIDE). His work has been presented in more than 400 publications, including 70 publications indexed in Web of Science and 87 in Scopus. From 2011 to 2016, Davide was Editor-in-chief of the journal Bio-based and applied economics. Davide has provided his expertise as an advisor and evaluator for several national and international institutions, including the European Commission, the ETP Food for Life and the PPP BBI. He was a member of the European Commission expert group supporting the evaluation of the EU Bioeconomy strategy in 2011.