Allie Marini Batts holds degrees from Antioch University of Los Angeles & New College of Florida, meaning she can explain deconstructionism, but cannot perform simple math. Her work has been a finalist for Best of the Net and nominated for the Pushcart Prize. She is Managing Editor for the NonBinary Review, Unbound Octavo, & Zoetic Press, and has previously served on the masthead for Lunch Ticket, Spry Literary Journal, The Weekenders Magazine, Mojave River Review and Press, and The Bookshelf Bombshells. Allie is the author of Unmade & Other Poems, (Beautysleep Press, 2013) and You Might Curse Before You Bless (ELJ Publications, 2013). She has 5 collections forthcoming in 2015: wingless, scorched & beautiful, (Imaginary Friend Press), BEFORE FIRE, (ELJ Publications), This Is How We End (Bitterzoet), Pictures From The Center Of The Universe (Paper Nautilus, Winner of the Vella Prize), and Southern Cryptozoology: A Field Guide To Beasts Of The Southern Wild (Hyacinth Girl Press.) Allie rarely sleeps, and her mother has hypothesized that she is actually a robot fueled by Diet Coke & Sri Racha. Find her on the web: www.fa or @kiddeternity.