Dr G. S. Sachdeva did his under-graduation in social psychology. He received his master’s degree in economics from Delhi School of Economics, New Delhi. He culminated his education with a Doctorate in Law from the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. His varied interests, multiple subjects of study and diverse schooling have been his biggest assets. He always sustained an interest in sociology and allied studies of psychology, anthropology and theology. He, thus, remained a keen observer of society, its social processes and societal expressions. Religious customs, cultural festivals and social rituals fascinated him, and he delved into their origins, the legends behind them and the purpose of their ostensive observance.

He also had a chequered career spanning over five decades. He started as a Commissioned Officer in the Indian Air Force and took voluntary retirement in the rank of Wing Commander in 1986. This was his tryst with regimented life and its ramifications like strict discipline and hard duties yet with finesse in etiquette and social niceties. Thereafter, he worked for HCL Limited and loved the freedom of action in the competitive atmosphere of the corporate world. Next, he joined the German Embassy at New Delhi as a Legal Advisor and got elevated to Legal Counsellor, a designation rarely ever conferred on Indian staff. He enjoyed the suave atmosphere and the polite and cordial behaviour of his colleagues at the Embassy. This exposure and experience enriched his mind and gave him insight into different social orders and diverse cultures, which helped him understand the nuances of social expression. 

He is, at present, Adjunct Professor, NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad, and also works as an independent author and gets satisfaction from writing, which he deems as his return gift to the society. He has authored six books. He has published over 50 articles in professional journals in India and abroad, as well as contributed chapters in edited books.