Robyn is surviving midlife in the Midwest with a little help from fruity margaritas and streaming tv. An accountant by day, a romantic fiction writer by night, Robyn's heroines are women she would want as friends. Her heroes are men she would never share, except with her lucky readers. Writing was a childhood dream of Robyn's. She won creative writing awards as a girl, and teachers encouraged her to pursue a writing career. However, pragmatism won out, and she boxed the dream away on the maybe-someday shelf. Maybe-someday came in 2013 when Robyn published the Keeper Series, a new adult romantic suspense story. Then she shifted gears and wrote a novel with a seasoned cast: Chain of Title. Readers were loud in their demand for a sequel, and Robyn completed Shayna and Sean's love story with Unchained, published in June 2020. In between those two stories, HellKat launched in June 2015 with another older, feisty female lead: Kat James. HellKat has ranked in the top 20 on Amazon in the Romance/Mystery category and in the top 100 in the Romance/Suspense category. Robyn plans to continue writing stories with mature casts led by strong-willed, independent heroines. And when she's not playing author-god in her fictional world, Robyn and her high-school-sweetheart husband of over thirty years take full advantage of their empty-nester lifestyle. Contact: Join My Readers: Website: Social Media Links: