Man-opause is Gary Harris's initial effort into book authoring and publishing and has past writing and editing experiences as a national award winning editor of a professional association periodical in Minnesota. Mr. Harris was welcomed to retirement some eleven years ago with a diagnosis of prostate cancer which later proved to be recurrent and metastatic. His battle to deal with and conquer this disease after four re-occurrences, his family's support and love and their faith in God has brought him to his current cancer remission and the publication of this memoir. Gary and Sharon, married for 51 plus years, live in the beautiful northern lakes area of Minnesota. His interests outside of fighting prostate cancer are a lifelong love of photography, sports, automobiles, construction and remodeling, volunteering for his local food shelf, community planning & zoning board and president of their townhome association. Gary is at the beginning of the formation of a prostate cancer support group in his local community to provide knowledge, experiences and hope to men and their families regarding prostate health decisions, cancer survival and the role our faith plays in it all.