The late Dr. Ann K. Buchholtz was professor of leadership and ethics and research director of the Institute for Ethical Leadership in the Rutgers Business School at Rutgers University. She received her Ph.D. from the Stern School of Business at New York University. Dr. Buchholtz's research focused on the social and ethical implications of corporate governance, in particular, and the relationship of business and society, in general. Her work has appeared in Business and Society, Business Ethics Quarterly, the Academy of Management Journal, the Academy of Management Review, the Journal of Management, Organization Science, the Journal of Management Studies and Corporate Governance and International Review. She served on the editorial boards of Business and Society and Business Ethics Quarterly. Her teaching and consulting activities focused on business ethics, social issues, strategic leadership and corporate governance. Her service learning activities in the classroom received a Trailblazer Advocate of the Year award from the Domestic Violence Council of Northeast Georgia. She was also the recipient of numerous teaching awards, including Profound Effect on a Student Leader. In addition, she was named senior teaching fellow at the University of Georgia. Dr. Buchholtz served as division chair of the social issues in the management division of the Academy of Management. She also served on the board of governors of the Academy of Management and the ethics task force that designed a code of ethics for the Academy. She became the inaugural chairperson of the Academy's Ethics Adjudication Committee when the code was put into effect. In 2015, she received the Sumner Marcus Award from the SIM Division of the Academy of Management.