210 books
FY 2003 Scientific and Technical Reports, Articles, Papers, and Presentations
Hypervelocity Impact (HVI). Volume 4; WLE Small-Scale Fiberglass Panel Flat Target C-2
Mars Global Reference Atmospheric Model 2010 Version
Statistical Aspects of North Atlantic Basin Tropical Cyclones During the Weather Satellite Era, 1960-2013
North Atlantic Basin Tropical Cyclone Activity in Relation to Temperature and Decadal- Length Oscillation Patterns
Performance (Off-Design) Cycle Analysis for a Turbofan Engine With Interstage Turbine Burner
Foundations of Tensor Analysis for Students of Physics and Engineering With an Introduction to the Theory of Relativity
Global Change Data Center
Trade Study of Multiple Thruster Options for the Mars Airplane Concept
The M-Integral for Computing Stress Intensity Factors in Generally Anisotropic Materials
A Note about Self-Induced Velocity Generated by a Lifting-Line Wing or Rotor Blade
Acoustic Performance of the GEAE UPS Research Fan in the NASA Glenn 9- by 15-Foot Low-Speed Wind Tunnel
Fluids and Combustion Facility
Analysis of Acoustic Modeling and Sound Propagation in Aircraft Noise Prediction
Interplanetary Mission Design Handbook
Flight Experiment Investigation of General Aviation Self-Separation and Sequencing Tasks
Data Reduction Functions for the Langley 14- by 22-Foot Subsonic Tunnel
Thermal and Mechanical Property Characterization of the Advanced Disk Alloy LSHR
Icing Research Tunnel (IRT) Force Measurement System (FMS)
Energy Navigation
AMT-200S Motor Glider Parameter and Performance Estimation
Taxonomy Working Group Final Report
Sulfur 'Concrete' for Lunar Applications - Environmental Considerations
Requirement Assurance