Charlotte Du Cann is a writer, editor and co-director of the Dark Mountain Project. She also teaches collaborative non-fiction, and radical kinship with the other-than-human world.In 1991 she left her life as a London features and fashion journalist with a one-way ticket to Mexico. After travelling for a decade, she settled on the East Anglian coast to write a sequence of books about reconnecting with the Earth. The first of these "52 Flowers That Shook My World - A Radical Return to Earth" was published in 2012 by Two Ravens Press.Charlotte has published five works of non-fiction, ranging from a collection of essays about food and society, "Offal and the New Brutalism" (Heinemann) to the travelogue, "Reality Is the Bug That Bit Me in the Galapagos" (Flamingo). More recently, she has written about activism, myth and cultural change for the New York Times, the Guardian, Noema and openDemocracy. She co-founded the grassroots newspaper Transition Free Press and edited "Playing for Time - Making Art as if the World Mattered" (with author Lucy Neal), a handbook about community arts practice (Oberon Books). She is presently working on a collective Dark Mountain book about the ancestral solar year called "Eight Fires".