19 books
Pfropfung von Brinjal (Eierpflanze) für Ertrags- und Qualitätseigenschaften
Greffage de Brinjal (plante à oeufs) pour le rendement et les attributs de qualité
Enxertia em Brinjal (planta do ovo) para obter atributos de rendimento e qualidade
Innesto in Brinjal (pianta da uova) per ottenere caratteristiche di resa e qualità
Reclamação do solo afetado pelo sal através da plantação de árvores frutíferas
Bonifica del suolo colpito dal sale attraverso la piantagione di alberi da frutta
Remise en état d'un sol salin par la plantation d'arbres fruitiers
Sanierung salzbelasteter Böden durch Anpflanzung von Obstbäumen
Precision Farming and Protected Cultivation
Reclamation of Salt Affected Soil Through Fruit Tree Plantation
Improving Salt Affected Soil Through Fruit Tree Cropping Model
A Girl to Remember
Recent Advances in Hormonal Physiology of Fish and Shellfish Reproduction
Modern Education for New Generation
Underutilized Vegetable Crops
Plant Taxonomy
Social Development in India
Introduction to Embryology of Angiosperms
Advances in Plant Reproductive Biology