Steven Young lived in England for a decade and received a (3 yr.) Certificate in Novel Writing degree from City University-London. He is the award-winning author ofThe King's Face first produced Off West-End in London. Produced in the USA by the Dallas Shakespeare Festival, it was chosen as one of the top 5 DFW productions of the season and was the winner of the Future Fest and the Stage West new play awards. Chicago Arts and Entertainment chose The Wal*Mart-iansas the Best Comedy of the Year and the script was both a Reva Shiner Comedy Award and a Jerome Fellowship Award finalist.The Resurrectionistswas produced in Virginia and Chicago with the Windy City production being nominated for two Joseph Jefferson Citations. The Rehearsal recently was the winner of Imprint Theatre's First Impressions Play Festival and received a three-night development performance.The Rehearsalis a Judith Royer Excellence in Playwriting finalist.