• Country: Canada
RICK SMITH is a Canadian author, environmentalist and non-profit leader and the Executive Director of the Broadbent Institute. From 2003 to 2012, he served as Executive Director of Environmental Defence where he was the driving force to make Canada the first country in the world to ban BPA in baby bottles. He is the co-author of two bestselling books on the health effects of pollution: Slow Death by Rubber Duck (2009) and Toxin Toxout (2013).

BRUCE LOURIE is an environmental thought leader in Canada and an acknowledged global expert on pollution and sustainable energy. He has founded many important environmental organizations such as the Clean Economy Fund, Canadian Environmental Grantmakers Network, the Sustainability Network and the Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance. Bruce is President of the Ivey Foundation, one of the largest private foundations supporting sustainability in the country, and is an advisor to Canada's Ecofiscal Commission.