7 books
Kalila Und Dimna; Syrisch Und Deutsch Volume 1-2 - Primary Source Edition
Anwar-I-Suhayli; Or, the Lights of Canopus;
Kalila Und Dimna; Syrisch Und Deutsch Volume 1-2
Kalilah U Dimnah. [The Fables of Bdpa';
Khirad-Afroz (the Illuminator of the Understanding)
Directorium Humanae Vitae Alias Parabolae Antiquorum Sapientum [Tr. by Joannes de Capua] Ed. V. Puntoni. Accedunt Prolegomena Tria Ad Librum Gstefantys@ Ka Hnyltys@ [Tr. by Simeon Seth].
Contes Et Fables Indiennes de Bidpa Et de Lokman