Dan Kopcow's fiction short story collection, "Worst. Date. Ever.," was published by Regal House Publishing in March 2020 and was named one of 2020's top 100 novels by the Community of Literary Magazines and Presses (CLMP). The anthology, "Thank You, Death Robot," which included his short story, "The Cobbler Cherry," won an Independent Publishing Award for best science-fiction and fantasy and was voted a Chicago Tribune Top Ten Fiction book. His rom-com novel, Head Voice, will be published in late 2022.Please visit his Dan at dankopcow.com.
Jul 11, 2024
Cover of Madcap Serenade

Madcap Serenade

Dec 16, 2021
Cover of Prior Futures

Prior Futures

Mar 1, 2020
Cover of Worst.Date.Ever
