Brian David Spicer was born and raised in the Appalachian foothills of Ohio. He took to reading early, already knowing how to read by the time he entered kindergarten and developed a lifelong love of books before most kids had ever read one. While reading came naturally to him, the other subjects were a challenge. His education was always a mixed bag of excellence and mediocrity, much to the exasperation of his parents and teachers. Having just finished reading the Chronicles of Narnia during the fifth grade, Brian was looking for something new and exciting, but also similar to the Narnia books. What he found changed his world. He read The Hobbit three times that year and has read it at least twenty times since then, and it still ranks as one of his favorite books. It was the book that made him want to be a writer. Despite deciding to be a writer at age 11, it took many years before he tried to publish anything. Like many writers, he is a harsh critic of his own work, and most of his early writing remained unread by anyone and was eventually destroyed. After high school Brian attended Ohio University, where he obtained an Associate of Applied Business in Computer Science Technology. A few years later, after the urge to publish began to grow again, he returned to Ohio University and finished his Bachelor of Arts in English. During this time, he finally began publishing short stories: first in university publications, then in short story anthologies. He's had short stories in more than a dozen anthologies, including Cosy Crime from Flame Tree Press, Out of Phase and Wicked Deeds: Witches, Warlocks, Demons & Other Evil Doers from Sirens Call Publications, Strangely Funny II and III and VI from Mystery and Horror, LLC, and Pernicious Invaders and From the Corner of Your Eye from Great Old Ones Publishing. Big Shots and Bullet Holes is his first novel. Brian, who writes under the pen name B. David Spicer because it sounds more artsy and pretentious, still lives in Ohio, not far from where he grew up. He's not particularly active on social media, but you can find him on Facebook at: http: //