Jhonny lived in the country when he was a child, and in his spare time he went to help his neighbor in the garden. This is how Johnny became more and more interested in gardening. To this day he dedicates himself only to hydroponics, thus becoming an expert, as well as a pioneer of this type of cultivation with more than 20 years of experience in hydroponics and aquaponics. He knows advanced and secret techniques to grow fruits, vegetables, herbs and many other things faster. So today he no longer needs to go shopping because he eats everything he plants with hydroponic cultivation in a self-sufficient way He shares his effective knowledge to let everyone know how easy it is if you do it and for a contribution to a sustainable future. It also explains how to use this discipline also as a business if you want to do it, or otherwise how to eat your own garden things. You will save and eat in a healthier and tastier way as soon as you discover this discipline, in fact it does not require that much budget, certainly much less than you think. You're only going to shop once and you've already saved money. Finally, in addition to this passion of hydroponics, he is also a great expert in the cultivation of marijuana, indoors and outdoors, having also discovered secrets and techniques to grow it in a sustainable way with excellent results.