Fabio Soares holds a master's degree in Applied Computing by UFPA and is currently a PhD candidate at the same university. He has been designing Neural Networks solutions since 2004 and has developed applications of this technique on several fields ranging from telecommunications to chemistry process modelling, and his research topics cover supervised learning for data-driven modelling.
He was the author of Neural Network Programming with Java, Packt Publishing ( https://www.packtpub.com/networking-and-servers/neural-network-programming-java).
He also authored a book on Neural Networks ( http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?reload=true&arnumber=5596645).
Fabio is self-employed, and offers services such as IT infrastructure management as well as database administration for a number of small and medium-sized companies in Northern Brazil. He has also experience as a lecturer, having worked at the Federal Rural University of Amazon and Faculty of Castanhal, both in the state of Para, teaching subjects involving programming and artificial intelligence.
Fabio Soares has published a number of works, many of them available in English, all including the topics of artificial intelligence applied to some problem. Publications include Conference Proceedings such as the TMS (The Minerals Materials and Minerals Society) Light Metals, and the Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning. Fabio also has published two book chapters for Intech. Here are few links to his work:
You can find him on LinkedIn at https://br.linkedin.com/in/fabio-soares-b68b1a2.