David Walker comes from a large family back in the burbs of Chicago. During his youthful years, if he wasn't fishing you could find him building a tree fort in the willow tree next to the driveway. But as he got older, his love for adventure never stopped driving his passion. So he grabbed the opportunity to bring life to the world of his imagination with this continuing saga. Now he spends his leisure time going to comic cons and local fairs and sharing his dream with the world. There is nothing more satisfying to him then talking to someone that has read his book and seeing the spark of excitement still glowing in their eyes. With raving reviews and a thirst for more, David is currently working on the third book in this fantastic series. So, get ready for the thrill ride to continue and he'll see you inside The Shadow Forest. Contributor Prior Work; The first book in David E Walker's trilogy, Cobasfang Justice Returns was such a huge success that he vowed to let the story continue. Now with the second and third book on the way, he has added a new twist to the adventure. Now available are full length illustrated renditions of the incredible action, in a fresh and new coloring book series. That you can see at www.cobasfang.com Signed: Poppy-Dave: )