Avkash Chauhan is a software technology veteran with more than 12 years of
industry experience in various disciplines such as embedded engineering, cloud
computing, big data analytics, data processing, and data visualization. He has an
extensive global work experience with Fortune 100 companies worldwide. He
has spent the last eight years at Microsoft before moving on to Silicon Valley to
work with a big data and analytics start-up. He started his career as an embedded
engineer; and during his eight-year long gig at Microsoft, he worked on Windows
CE, Windows Phone, Windows Azure, and HDInsight. He spent several years
working with the Windows Azure team to develop world-class cloud technology,
and his last project was Apache Hadoop on Windows Azure, also known as
HDInsight. He worked on the HDInsight project since its incubation at Microsoft,
and helped its early development and then deployment on cloud. For the past
three years, he has been working on big data- and Hadoop-related technologies by
developing applications to make Hadoop easy to use for large- and mid-market
companies. He is a prolific blogger and very active on the social networking sites.
You can directly contact him through the following:
• LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/avkashchauhan
• Blog: http://cloudcelebrity.wordpress.com/
• Twitter: @avkashchauhan