Samir Bhatt is an Enterprise Architect with over 12 years of IT experience. He has been working on Liferay-Portal-based solutions for the last four years. He has co-authored a book, Liferay Beginner's Guide by Packt Publishing. He is also a Liferay certified trainer and has delivered public and private training across the world. Samir leads an architectural group at CIGNEX Datamatics. He extensively worked on performance tuning of Liferay-Portal-based solutions. Apart from Liferay Portal, Samir has also worked on many other technologies and frameworks including Hadoop, MongoDB, Pentaho BI, Oracle, Java Swing, ICEfaces, ZK, Spring, Hibernate, and Visual Basic.
Samir is also a very good speaker and has delivered various webinars on Liferay, Pentaho BI, and MongoDB. He blogs at