Jonathan LALOU is an engineer fascinated by new technologies, computer sciences, and the digital world since his childhood. A graduate of the Ecole des Mines—one of the best French polytechnic institutes—Jonathan has more than 14 years of experience in Java and the JEE ecosystem.
Jonathan has worked for several global companies and financial institutions, such as Syred, Philips, Sungard, Ixis CIB, BNP Paribas, and Amundi AM. He has strong ties, daily contacts, and frequent trips in Western Europe, Northern America, Judea, and emerging Asia. During his career, Jonathan has successfully climbed many levels: developer, architect, Scrum master, team leader, and project manager.
Now, Jonathan is CTO at SayaSoft (, a digital company focused on very high value added projects he founded with two partners. SayaSoft brings Java environment, migration of small and large organizations to agility, and Android development to a new level. SayaSoft's customers are ensured to get high-quality releases and quick ROI.
Jonathan's skills include a wide range of technologies and frameworks, such as Spring, JPA/Hibernate, GWT, Mule ESB, JSF/PrimeFaces, Groovy, Android, EJB, JMS, application servers, agile methods, and, of course, Apache Maven.
Jonathan also authored Apache Maven Dependency Management, published by Packt Publishing in October 2013.
Jonathan is available on the cloud. You can read his blog at, catch him on Twitter at,and find him on LinkedIn at