Swee Yong Ku has been a director of the licensed property consulting firm International Property Advisor Pte Ltd since 2010. In the past two decades, he has also taken on the roles of chief marketing officer of Kasa Singapore, a real estate tokenization platform, and was the country CEO of the Century 21 real estate agency in Singapore. Prior to running his own practice, he was a director in the Real Estate Centre of Expertise at Societe Generale Private Banking, responsible for advising clients on real estate investments; the director of Marketing and Business Development at real estate consulting firm Savills Singapore; and the general manager at property developer Far East Organization's Indonesia office. He was an adjunct faculty at three institutions of higher learning: the Lee Kong Chian School of Business in the Singapore Management University, the Department of Real Estate in the National University of Singapore, and the School of Design and Environment in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. He holds an MBA in marketing from University of Hull, UK, and completed his BSc in chemistry at the Imperial College, University of London, UK, and the Institut Louis Pasteur, Universite de Strasbourg, France. Swee has written six books on the property market: Real Estate Riches, Building Your Real Estate Riches, Real Estate Realities, Weathering a Property Downturn, Preparing for a Property Upturn, and The Future of Real Estate. Swee is now researching how new technologies impact the real estate market. In particular, he is focused on how autonomous vehicles will affect the built environment and bring about urban regeneration.