Daniel Stevens as a lawyer/polo player lived a life of fun, excitement, pleasure seeking and risk taking resulting in financial collapse and two divorces. A prayer by his youngest sister turned his life around in his late 50's and caused him to seek the God who answered his sister's prayer for him. Over the next 10 years he read the Bible multiple times, studied numerous texts and video tapes while listening to the gambit of Christian TV preachers. He was a regular attender and member of four different churches and several bible study groups. His mission was to understand the underlying concepts of Christianity and make a logical determination of whether they made sense and how they applied to everyday life. During this time period he kept copious notes which he periodically edited and reviewed. Finally he decided to compile his notes along with his life experiences into a book. Originally the purpose of the book was to help him understand his own thoughts and feelings by organizing them in a cohesive cogent text. His goal was to apply the basic principles of Christianity to daily decision making. Ultimately he realized that Christianity was all about love. All decisions and life choices came down to understanding what love is (selflessness) and its opposite sin (selfishness). As he researched these concepts and looked to his past life experiences, he realized that his was no simple task as we are all wired to be selfish and for a reason. This book represents his conclusions after 10 years of research and contemplation of his own life and those around him.
Mar 27, 2018
Cover of Love
