Dr. Kelly Cohen is a tenured Professor of Aerospace Engineering in the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Cincinnati and Director of MOST-AERO Labs (Morphing and Optimization Systems Technology for Aerospace Laboratory). Teaching areas include fundamental control, modeling and simulation, fuzzy logic, systems engineering, optimal control and analytical dynamics. Research interests include: intelligent systems, feedback control of large scale spatio-temporal dynamic systems, fuzzy logic control of earthquake resilient structures, low order modeling, nonlinear system identification, and control of morphing tensegrity based structural systems. Dr. Cohen is an Associate Fellow of the AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) and Chaired (2013-2015) the AIAA's Intelligent Systems Technical Committee. Prior to taking up his current position at the University of Cincinnati in 2007, Dr. Cohen conducted research at the Department of Aeronautics/USAF Academy for four years on multi-disciplinary projects. During January 2009 - March 2012, Dr. Cohen was Associate Editor of the Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication and is currently on the editorial Board of World Scientific's publiation titled "Unmanned Systems". Dr. Cohen has been involved in UAV related research and development continuously since 1990. He has 43 refereed journal papers, has 14 archival proceedings in professional conferences, 7 chapters in peer reviewed professional books, and over 120 professional conference papers and presentations. During the past five years, Dr. Cohen has graduated 4 PhD students and 12 MS students. Currently, he is mentoring 5 PhD students and 6 MS students.