Jean Lerbet holds a Master in Theoretical Mechanics of UPMC and a PHD in Theoretical Mechanics of UPMC. Since 2006 , he is the director of the Mechanical Engineering Department of Evry Val D'Essonne University .
He is Co-responsable of the French Theoretical Mechanics Network since 2011 and Co-organizer of yearly Quiberon's Summer Schools of Theoretical Mechanics. Also, responsable of Research Teams VASCO and SIMOB of IBISC Laboratory until 2018.
During the first 15 years of his career , his main research topic dealt with the applications of calculations on Lie groups to mechanics. These researches led for example to the full classification of the Mechanisms. ?Since 2004, he focuses a main part of these researches to issues on Stability of Non-Conservative Systems. A major result is the full explanation of the links between two different criteria of stability thanks to the new concept of Kinematical Structural Stability which is the object of the present book.? Other interest topics leading also to collaborations are geometrical aspects and/or mechanical applications of control theory, cohomological calculations or even deep learning.