Jackie Reardon (1962, born in England, currently living in the Netherlands) is founder of Friendly Eyes, an online mental training program that teaches how to deal with pressure, improve focus and enjoy challenges in all facets of life. She has worked with world champions and Olympic gold medallists both in individual and team sports, elite performers from the opera world and captains of industry. As a young adult, she played on the professional tennis circuit. She struggled with her emotions, over which she sometimes lost control. After leaving professional tennis, she started coaching tennis players of all levels drawing upon her expertise in high performance. Many years later, she discovered Vipassana meditation. It was the beginning of finding inner calm and new discoveries and set her life on a new course. She started integrating her knowledge of high performance with meditation and concentration techniques using sport as a metaphor. This approach led to students getting better results and having more fun. This encouraged her to develop the online platform Friendly Eyes, helping people to improve their Mindset through kindness. Together with novelist Hans Dekkers she co-wrote Mindset, a mental guide for sport, Mindset in Daily Life and Mindset voor Voetbal (English version coming soon).