Philip Andrew RitsonB.Ec.(Acc.)(Hons.) (Flinders), M.Com (Adelaide), LL.B.(Adelaide), AIMM CPMgrPhilip is a lecturer in the School of commerce at the University of Adelaide where he teaches and researches in Accounting and Management. He has presented papers at several international conferences such as the Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting conference, the Asia Pacific Interdisciplinary Research on Accounting conference, andï¿ the Academy of Accounting Historians conference. He has also acted as an ad hoc referee for the Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal and Accounting Forum.Philip has published several papers in professional Accounting journals and in 2005 the British Journal of Management will publish a paper co-authored by Philip entitled Revisiting Fayol: Anticipating Contemporary Management.His research interests include management and accounting history, the implications of postmodernist though for management and accounting theory and practice, and the issue underlying organizational design and structure.