Mark Freestone, PhD is a Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Psychiatry, Queen Mary University of London. He has worked in prisons and forensic mental health services for over 15 years as a researcher and clinician, including in the High Secure Category A prison estate, which houses some of the UK's most notorious and high-risk criminals. He has also worked at Rampton and Broadmoor Special Hospitals - institutions which have housed the likes of the Yorkshire ripper Peter Sutcliffe, Moors Murderer Ian Brady, Levi Bellfield and Charles Bronson - as part of the Dangerous and Severe Personality Disorder (DSPD) Programme. He is a consultant to BBC America's Killing Eve, an editor of the Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology and currently an advisor to NHS England on services for men and women with a diagnosis of severe personality disorder. He has published several academic articles on personality disorder, psychopathy and violence risk, but Making a Psychopath is his first book.