REVD DR BARRY O'SULLIVAN, ordained a priest in 1987, is a leading proponent of child safeguarding in the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales. As well as spending a decade as the Salford diocese Child Protection Co-ordinator, where he implemented child protection policies and procedures and dealt with any allegations affecting the diocese, he has been a member of the Bishop's Office for Pastoral Support of Clergy, the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales Working Party on the care and rehabilitation of sex offenders, and the Catholic Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults National Working Party to Develop a Safeguarding Programme for Clergy in England and Wales. He is a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. Revd Dr O'Sullivan was a full-time prison chaplain from 1995 to 1999, working as a group facilitator in the Sex Offender Treatment Programme in the prison with the largest number of sex offenders in Europe. A prominent speaker on safeguarding at Church conferences in the UK and internationally, he has attended Vatican Anglophone Conferences for Child Protection and is a member of the UK government's Child Exploitation and Online Protection Academy.