Stephen Lytton was born in Epping Forest and brought up by his grandparents after being abandoned by his mother. He struggled at school due to severe dyslexia, and only discovered his life passion after learning to ride horses. From hereon animals became the centre of Stephens life. Later, he set out to walk around the UK coastline with his dog, Czar, but it ended in the midst of the Covid pandemic. No work was available and Stephen didnt even have a place to live. As a consequence, he ended up in a trailer on a field. With nightly temperatures sometimes plunging to minus 8 degrees, it was a struggle just to survive. Thats when Stephen turned to writing. This, his first book, is inspired by a visit of a special Vizsla: Vinnie. He had been rescued, with scars and burn marks all across his body, but still had a loving nature. It is this innate nature of dogs that has inspired Stephen to open a sanctuary, for which profits of this book will go towards.