Baldeo Sahai was born on 7 April 1918 at Jhunjhunu (Rajasthan) in a highly religious family. He was taught the Gita by his grandfather at the age of 12. Since 18 years of age he has been associated with saints of RamaKrishna Mission and Sivananda Ashram. He was selected for Indian Foreign Service(B) and Indian Information Service. He opted for the latter and superannuated in 1976. Was Communication Consultant to Standing Conference Of Public Enterprises, many private and public sector organisations for two decades. He was music critic of the Hindustan Times for 12 years and art critic of the Illustrated Weekly of India for eight years. He has authored many books. A Fellow of Indian National Science Academy he was conferred a Doctorate in History by a University of the Netherlands. He founded the Upanishad Society and has written pocket books on all principal Upanishads.