Amy Shea s first short story was featured in a national magazine when she was just 13 years old. She has continued to write throughout her life, publishing numerous poems in literary journals and anthologies, receiving the prestigous Dylan Thomas Poetry Fellowship in Paris, France, sponsored by the Paris Review, as well as a coveted residency at the world-famous MacDowell Colony. Delighting in narration, Ms. Shea continues as a chronicler of human behavior, with her book of short stories, "Defending Happiness, and other acts of bravery." In this collection she shares, with unsparing wit and candor, her take on mother/daughter relationships, parenthood, and the unfortunate lack of speed-bumps in online dating. Her hilarious account of aging, along with her tough and tender story of being diagnosed with breast cancer, take the reader on a deeply-felt ride, each account making Ms. Shea s point: it s not enough to find your bliss; you have to fight for it.