Paul Cummins is an educator, writer and social entrepreneur. From Stanford (BA) to Harvard (M.A.T) to USC (PhD) to class-room teaching, 1960 - 1971 to founding and co-founding six schools including private schools such as Crossroads School and Tree Academy and Public Charter Schools such as Camino Nue-vo Charter School to founding outreach programs - P. S. Arts and The Coalition For Engaged Education. In all the ventures, he has been a champion for quality education, especially for at risk, foster and incarcerated youth.His publications include an autobiography, 'Confessions Of A Headmaster', three other books on education, two children's books, four collections of essays, a biography of a holocaust sur-vivor, 'Dachau Song' and with this book, three volumes of poetry.Paul and his music teacher, co-educator wife, Mary Ann live in Santa Monica, California. They have four daughters, five grand-children and many dreams for a better world