Dr. Kolla Bhanu Prakash works as Professor and Research Group Head in the CSE Department, K L University, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India. He received his MSc and MPhil in Physics from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, India, and his MEng and PhD in Computer Science Engineering from Sathyabama University, Chennai, India. Dr. Prakash has 15+ years of experience working in academia, research, teaching and academic administration.His current research interests include AI, deep learning, data science, smart grids, cyber-physical systems, cryptocurrency, block-chain technology and image processing. Dr. Prakash is an IEEE Senior Member. He is also Fellow-ISRD, Treasurer - ACM Amaravathi Chapter, India, LMISTE, MIAENG, SMIRED. He has reviewed more than 130 peer reviewed journals indexed in Publons. He has been editor for 6 books for Elsevier, CRC Press, Springer, Wiley and Degryuter publishers. He has published 75 research papers, 6 patents, 7 books, has had 4 books accepted. His Scopus H-index is 14. He is a frequent editorial board member and TPC member for flagship conferences and refereed journals. He is reviewer for the IEEE Access journal, Springer Nature, Inderscience Publishers, Applied Soft Computing Journal (Elsevier), Wireless Networks Journal, IET journals, KSII journal and IEEE Computer Society journals. He is Series Editor of Next Generation Computing & Communication Engineering (Wiley); currently5 book agreements have been signed under this series. He is series editor for Industry 5.0: Artificial Intelligence, Cyber-Physical Systems, Mechatronics and Smart Grids (CRC ).