Christine Kromm Henrie is a spiritual channel, a certified past life and between lives soul regression therapist, psychic, and karmic astrologer. She was born and lived in Stockholm, Sweden until 2014, when she moved to the USA and married David Henrie, with whom she now shares her work. She had an intense spiritual awakening, in 2009, during a past life regression, which became the starting point for her practice with the higher realms. She began to receive messages and visions from her spirit guides about her soul assignment to develop the skills needed for them to speak through her. Accepting their advice, she studied different modalities of mediumship, psychic development and astrology in Sweden and England during the next five years. This intensive training enabled her to perfect the link and the ability to maintain this altered state for extended periods of time. After moving to the USA, her formal training continued in soul regression and hypnotherapy, becoming a licensed regression therapist. Christine has two offices Stockholm, Sweden, where she offers private soul regressions, assisting people to recall lessons from past lifetimes, and memories from their spiritual home. Astrological consultations are also available online.