George Opacic's titles include Quantum Events, In a Cloud of Sails, and Albert Quimby. He has edited novels and poetry collections extensively as well as having written numerous film scripts such as Shroomtown, Hellenic Digits, Protocol Omega...He is proud to be a past president of the Federation of BC Writers and to have been honoured with their Life Membership award in 2016.Currently, he is an instructor at Langara College, Vancouver, and has lectured at UBC and Capilano universities. In 1980, he assisted Transport Canada in forming their Designee Inspector program for Amateur Built Aircraft, becoming their first Designee Inspector. He built and flew his own airplanes since 1970. George co-founded the magazine now known as Recreation Flyer, writing articles, editing and publishing the magazine.George has had consulting contracts in HR, Lean management and organizational improvement at businesses across North America, France and England, as well as Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. He currently operates numerous websites for associations and continues to write code for their required applications.
Jul 12, 2023
Cover of Out There

Out There

Dec 31, 2020
Cover of Albert Quimby

Albert Quimby

Jun 22, 2018
Cover of Quantum Events

Quantum Events