Hafiz Barie Lubis majored in Informatics Engineering at Bandung Institute Technology, graduating in 2008. During his study period, he spent most of his time researching user interaction. Since then, he took up the role as Chief of Technology Officer in a start-up (Wiradipa Nusantara) that he built with his friends. Since then, most of his time has been spent contributing to research about Ruby, Ruby on Rails, and web performance. He has also written a lot about Ruby and Ruby on Rails on his blog http://hafizbadrie.wordpress.com, particularly on best practices using Ruby on Rails, and web performance.
He is currently a lead developer at the Jakarta Post Digital while maintaining his start-up in Wiradipa Nusantara. In his spare time, he pays a lot of attention to web performance from the server-side with Ruby, the client-side with Javascript, and any other related strategy. He is also a member of id-ruby (http://id-ruby.org), an Indonesian community that talks about Ruby and also a member of cardtopost (http://www.cardtopost.com), an Indonesian community that mainly talks about postcards.