David Hetherington is a leading Model-Based Systems Engineering(MBSE) consultant serving multiple defense and commercial industrysectors. He has extensive personal experience in designing and leadingdesign teams for both software and hardware covering an unusuallybroad range of system types. These complex systems have varied fromreal-time control, to software internationalization, to offshore oil drillships, to enterprise software applications, to automotive radar chipsets, to electronic publishing, and more. In addition to MBSE, he has astrong concentration of domain knowledge in safety, reliability, maintainability, and diagnostics. He uses this broad domain knowledge incombination with his MBSE skills to assist clients at two levels: - Individual Skills - He teaches engineers across a wide varietyof disciplines to sharpen their systems thinking and producehigher quality work products by using MBSE tools and techniquesto clarify the requirements and objectives of their specializeddesigns.- Organizational Transformation - He supports executives faced with the challenge of bringingteams with legacy, siloed, "document-centric" development habits into the integrated digital engineeringfuture.David is an active member of: - INCOSE - International Council on Systems Engineering- IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers- SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers- United States Naval InstituteDavid speaks Japanese and German fluently as well as some Chinese and Spanish. He lives in Austin, Texas.