11 books • 4 series
A Recollections Tour of Britain: Wales the Isle of Man and Scotland Transport Travelogue 1948 - 1971 (Recollections, #71)
Recollections Tour of Britain Northern England Transport Travelogue 1948-1971 (Recollections, #72)
A Recollections Tour of Britain Transport Travelogue 1948 - 1971 Liverpool and Lancashire (Recollections, #74)
A Recollections Tour of Britain: Middle England Transport Travelogue (Recollections, #70)
A Recollections Tour of Britain Eastern England Transport Travelogue (Recollections, #73)
Recollections Tour of Britain: Vol 70 Part 1 South-east England: Kent, London and Sussex (Recollections, #70)